Yesterday after returning from the FBI we toured many of the Washington monuments. This is by far my favorite memorial. I couldn't walk up all those stairs this year because my ankle still isn't strong enough...so I took the elevator at the rear of the memorial. The view from the statue chamber is just awesome even though they have drained the reflecting pool to repair it. The kids were a bit disappointed by that because I had been telling them about the view from the top of the memorial. But, they were not disappointed for long. We sat on the steps and spoke about how we were in the same spot where Martin Luther King had stood to give his famous speech during the 1960's March on Washington...and then we also talked about how we were sitting near the spot where they filmed Forrest Gump. After this we went to the Wall and staggered back to the bus. We were all wiped out, but it was a great day. So many of my students helped me out by lending an arm or a hand when I tried to walk up and down the millions of stairs in DC...it renews my faith in this generation that they were so thoughtful and respectful...part of our Culver education that they have learned and integrated. I am so proud of these kids...