So on our first day out in D.C we took a tour of the Capitol Building. While we were there we had the chance to go up to the crypt area and stand on this star that marks the center most point in D.C. Then we went up to the room where the Dome is and saw all of the different statues and paintings. Fun fact from that tour was that one of the rooms that
holds statues donated from each state has whisper spots, which if you stand there you can hear someone that is "whispering" across the room.

In the afternoon we went to the Holocaust Museum. When we first got there they had us get onto this old elevator that looked like it was from a run down factor. The elevator took us to the fourth floor where the exhibits starts with the rise of the Nazis and the restrictions they started to place on the Jews then goes down each floor with different events that happened through out WWII with the Concentration camps and the people in them. Though the whole museum is a very moving place to be, two exhibits stood out the most to me, the first being a rail car that they actually used to haul people off to the camps with. When you get to this exhibit you actually have the oportunity to walk through the car and get a feel of what its like in it. The car is small and dark except for the small amount of light given off from the other exhibits. Just imagining what it would be like to have to ride in that for days on end on top of hundreds of other people, is just so sad. Then there is one room with piles of shoes that were taken from people when they got to the camps. There was also a quote on the wall from a Yiddish Poet stating " We are the shoes, We are the last witnesses, We are the shoes from Grandchildren and Granfathers, from Prague, Paris, Amsterdam, and because we are only made of fabric and leather and not of blood and flesh, Each on of us avoided the hellfire." which I thought was so heart wrenching that these, the last of their possession, were taken from them and for some are the only physical piece of these people left.