Ryan Javan
Not only was yesterday a great day but today just got ten times better. After waking up early and not sure on what was coming are way, I experienced one of the best times I have ever had. We saw lots of sights and visited the FBI Academy. We started off by taking about an hour bus ride this morning to the FBI Academy. This was an amazing start to are morning. At the academy we saw how these government officials would be prepared for their Carree. They experience what seemed to me a military style preparation. The way we saw them training in the gym to the way they couldn't enjoy little things except at specific times or days. After leaving the FBI Academy and having one of the most exciting experiences ever we moved are way to the Air Force Memorial. Her we saw three large pillars with a slight bend and two walls with different things on them. It was a great memorial to start off with especially since we had such a great view on the pentagon. We then moved to a few different monuments which were excellent to see but we eventually made it to Arlington Cemetery. I have wanted to see this my whole life and finally visited it. There we saw things like the Kennedy's crosses and the eternal flame. The one thing I loved while we were there was the changing of the guards. It was perfect timing while we got there because we were able to enjoy the whole entire change. After finishing up at one of the most incredible things I have ever been at we ended up finishing at the World War 2, Vietnam, and Lincoln Memorials. All of these were in the same area and each hit you differently. The Vietnam was my favorite since I had an Uncle who I am very close to fight and tell me lots of Vietnam stories. Overall though today it was one of the best trips I have ever been on and its to bad I have to leave tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy my last blog tomorrow night. Thanks for reading. Ryan.